So long and thanks for all the yarn

Ongoing projects and yarn mainly originating from the Yarn House in Caterham, Surrey.
Some of you know of my daughter's fascination with the swift and yarn winder. She would have me wind all the yarn of the world into balls and likes seeing the swift go around. I finally had some more yarn to be wound up yesterday and we sat down to do it after dinner. It was sock yarn, some laceweight cashmere/silk and Sam's Rowanspun Aran. We wound 1560 meters of yarn before my arms gave out! All the while she's urging me to make the swift go faster and faster. The things we do for our children...
I suppose it would have happened sooner or later but it seems that I have been more monogamous to this iddy biddy pair of socks than I have ever been to any other. I don't know why but they just seem to have brought out the best in me. I started the first sock Friday night and finished it around 7pm on Saturday. That is the fastest I think I've ever knit anything. I then had a little break because the intarsia of the zodiac symbol took a lot out of me. It was long, it was tedious but I suppose it was worth it. I cast on the second sock today. I hope to have the pair for the end of the week *fingers crossed*. I may however have jinxed myself now.
This always means the possibility of a new project and though most of the patterns for the new knitty did not inspire me to much elation I did find one that was so irresistable that I just had to do it. Lickety Split has caught my attention, based on Japanese Tabi socks I could not resist the seperate toe casings. I tell you I have never worked so fast on a project, I am about 3/4 of the way through.